NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User IP address It was Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials(desc) Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it
1 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Retail Uttar Pradesh Varanasi 2/5 1/5 4/5 2/5 Register the business Delay by the department even though I completed the procedure There is clear information. Yet, compliance to it becomes difficult. Also it is time consuming to visit the office and not finding people to address the issue quickly. One has to waste a lot of time... There should be provision for getting appointment to visit the office with assurance of designated officer to be there to address the issue. Something similar to what we have for passport now. Both Amit 9899775911 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
3 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Education Delhi Delhi 2/5 2/5 3/5 2/5 Register the business Delay by the department even though I completed the procedure Sample feedback for testing interface Be ready to spend a year chasing permits. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 7042823213 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
5 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Health Tech Company Delhi New Delhi 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Get credit Corrupt officials who asked for bribes Tax Scrutiny notice came over with standard 30 pointer across the industry irrespective of whether things were applicable to us or not. After submitting a big bunch of documents, another requirement came over with 20 additional points which was not relevant to us. We appeared 5-6 times in order to settle the case and finally we had to carry 20 files and folders with us to show them few invoices of their consent. Then we needed something else to close the case as he was not able to find any fault in records. Keep your accounts updated with all documents supporting for all major expenses
Audit should be done in detail and with proper annexures
Proper approvals from Directors on major Capex & Opex expenses
Tax Audit should be properly documented
Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9910128627 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
12 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Direct Selling Delhi New Delhi 2/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business Confusing laws that say different things India doesn't have any specific law which governs Direct Selling Industry due to which people call Direct Sellers as Spammers or Fake Do your research before starting a direct selling business Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9711099116 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
13 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Education Delhi Delhi 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 Get building plan approved They keep asking me to submit some new document every time Its a visious circle Find out a mediator who knows everything and can get things done at one go - a lawyer or a charted accountant. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 01122222222 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
18 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Printing/Designing Delhi Delhi 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Other - As I attempted to register my business, I faced a lot of problems. To start with, the laws are confusing pertaining to my industry. The designing and printing industry has made their own rules for invoicing. Even though I should have the right to decide the amount that I am charging for my services but the government insists on keeping their authority and decides it for me. The government officials are not supportive and there is no consensus on the documents requested by different departments. They made me run from pillar to post without giving any clarity. I also did not receive any support from the financial institutions to start my own company. - Senior Department Officials Vishal Arora 9212513666 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
21 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Travel & Tourism Maharashtra Mumbai 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 Register the business Delay by the department even though I completed the procedure I started my Travel and Tourism business in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It wasn’t easy for me start the business. I made an attempt to register my business and my experience of registering it was not at all a good experience. The information regarding the processes involved in registering the business is not at all lucid and clear. I had to wait in the queue for more than two hours until my number was called. And there was a coupon system in place and the coupons were available only until 11.00 am. To sum it up, getting my business registered wasn’t an easy task at all. My advice to other entrepreneurs would be that please make sure you carry all the possible documents so that the process becomes simpler for you and you don’t have to go again and again or run from pillar to post to get your business registered or for any other procedures. Both Akshata Jathar 9920331347 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
24 Anonymous (not verified) Easy to Do Business Medical Shop Maharashtra Nanded 2/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 Register the business
Acquire land
Register property
Get registration and licenses under labour laws
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Pay taxes
File returns under labour laws, environmental laws, tax laws, etc.
It was easy for my family to set up our medicines wholesale business. We tried to register our business, acquire land, register property, get permissions and licenses under labour laws, get building plan approved, get electricity connection, pay taxes, file returns under labour laws and tax laws. I would say it was easy for us to set up and register our business because we were ready to bribe the officials. In my opinion that is a given and probably is mandatory to get your work done. My advice to other businessmen would be either be ready to bribe or have patience for the lengthy procedures and formalities in order to start and register your business or start up. Both
Keep it Anonymous
Anonymous 07350009214 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
25 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Social Sector,Non-profit Karnataka Bengaluru 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Trade outside state/ country
They keep asking me to submit some new document every time I helped to register a non-governmental organisation in the social sector in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The number of documents required to do the work was boggling, and very troublesome. It was quite a task to get a VAT certificate for our social enterprise. It took close to a year, as the process was lengthy and the officials kept asking for newer documents at every visit.

An advice to younger entrepreneurs would be that if you are not ready to bribe the officials, you should be ready to go through a lengthy process to get necessary certificates and documents. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9916967853 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
29 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Branding Gujarat Ahemdabad 2/5 1/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business Other Didn't know anything about bureaucracy In my opinion, it is absolutely not easy to conduct business in India. I tried to establish a brand that produces sunglasses in Ahemdabad, Gujarat. Aside from the total lack of information, I had to submit completely unnecessary documents. I fail to understand as to why my phone bill was required, when I’m already submitting another documents for address proof? I still don't know why they need so many documents.
I did not have any foresight, and it was made worse by the bureaucracy at the government offices, where nobody really knew anything. I had to go to various offices and stand in the queue to figure out which document is required by which window.

I also did not have a team, and thought I could do everything by myself - one can't fight the bureaucracy alone!
I acted a bit prematurely in terms of starting a business, but I advise other budding entrepreneurs to establish a team from the start, and trust them. I thought I could run around and do the paperwork myself, but one requires legal help in establishing a business in this country for sure. You cannot do everything on your own even if you are of the idea that you know the procedures. If you want to excel in a certain sector, you need to know the sector in and out. Media Siddhant 9033227176 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes