NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User IP address It was(asc) Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it
14 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Hospitality Delhi Delhi 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Get credit Corrupt officials who asked for bribes A bank manager asked for bribe for approval of loan. Don't take loan from government banks. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9818248285 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
15 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Fireworks Delhi Rohini 3/5 1/5 2/5 2/5 Other get license to sell fireworks. They keep asking me to submit some new document every time Every time, I need to approach the explosives office in Faridabad, it gives me chills in my bones as it takes a lot of time to get even a small permit. I remember that for days, I had to run around in the office to get the license. Every time I met them, they asked for some other documents. Coming from Rohini to Faridabad is in itself a great challenge especially when Diwali is already nearby. Take as many documents as you can to the government office. You never know what the offiicials ask for or else you have to waste your one or more days. And never try to prove them wrong or give a rational reason as the officials will never listen to you. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9873437299 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
17 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Private/Construction Delhi Sadar Bazar 3/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 Get construction permit Corrupt officials who asked for bribes It was quite tough to complete the construction on time due to the continuous and unnecessary interference of the officials on the construction site. Always keep a copy of complete paper work with you Both
Keep it Anonymous
Anonymous 9968068073 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
18 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Printing/Designing Delhi Delhi 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Other - As I attempted to register my business, I faced a lot of problems. To start with, the laws are confusing pertaining to my industry. The designing and printing industry has made their own rules for invoicing. Even though I should have the right to decide the amount that I am charging for my services but the government insists on keeping their authority and decides it for me. The government officials are not supportive and there is no consensus on the documents requested by different departments. They made me run from pillar to post without giving any clarity. I also did not receive any support from the financial institutions to start my own company. - Senior Department Officials Vishal Arora 9212513666 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
19 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Hospitality/ Tourism Goa Anjuna 3/5 4/5 2/5 3/5 Register the business
Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Tourism and F&B licenses Can’t find information I have recently started a new business in Goa in the hospitality and tourism sector. I tried to register a new business, register property, get permissions and licenses under environment laws, get my building’s plan approved, get electricity connection and tourism, food and beverages licenses. The paperwork that was required for getting licenses is efficient and streamlined but the procedures and processes involved in getting these licenses are very complicated. The procedures are not clearly defined and one can easily get confused since there is a lot of contradicting information. The government officials are themselves confused and do not have any sort of clarity since the procedures keep on changing frequently. All of this leads to delay at the cost of the citizen’s time, effort and money. My advice to other entrepreneurs is that - you should start all the procedures as soon as possible as the time taken to obtain licenses can vary from a few days to even a few months. I am of the opinion that if you have a certain kind of rapport with certain officials or “know” a few of them it tends be of great help in getting your licenses on time.

Keep it Anonymous
Anonymous NA I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
20 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Development Sector Bihar Muzaffarpur 1/5 2/5 1/5 1/5 Other NGO Registration (Social Enterprise) Confusing laws that say different things I am from Muzzafarpur, Bihar. I recently started a new enterprise in the Development Sector. I tried to register a NGO (Social Enterprise). I would say that the services provided in terms of registering the NGO are not at all time bound. It could take any amount of time to get your NGO registered. More over, my experience was that there is no sense of accountability when it comes to the government procedures related to starting up a business or an enterprise.

My advice to other people who want to have their own start ups would be that, since it is very difficult to start a venture in Bihar or even invest in Bihar, you should get your organization registered in any other state but not Bihar.

Both Krishna Gopal Singh 9538540985 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
21 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Travel & Tourism Maharashtra Mumbai 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 Register the business Delay by the department even though I completed the procedure I started my Travel and Tourism business in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It wasn’t easy for me start the business. I made an attempt to register my business and my experience of registering it was not at all a good experience. The information regarding the processes involved in registering the business is not at all lucid and clear. I had to wait in the queue for more than two hours until my number was called. And there was a coupon system in place and the coupons were available only until 11.00 am. To sum it up, getting my business registered wasn’t an easy task at all. My advice to other entrepreneurs would be that please make sure you carry all the possible documents so that the process becomes simpler for you and you don’t have to go again and again or run from pillar to post to get your business registered or for any other procedures. Both Akshata Jathar 9920331347 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
25 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Social Sector,Non-profit Karnataka Bengaluru 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Trade outside state/ country
They keep asking me to submit some new document every time I helped to register a non-governmental organisation in the social sector in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The number of documents required to do the work was boggling, and very troublesome. It was quite a task to get a VAT certificate for our social enterprise. It took close to a year, as the process was lengthy and the officials kept asking for newer documents at every visit.

An advice to younger entrepreneurs would be that if you are not ready to bribe the officials, you should be ready to go through a lengthy process to get necessary certificates and documents. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9916967853 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
26 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business E-Commerce Maharashtra Mumbai 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Confusing laws that say different things I tried to set up an e-commerce firm myself in Mumbai. The whole process was just a big headache. You don't understand who is going to look after your concern as people are mostly busy with their own personal schedule and they don't even listen to you or have the time for your concerns or doubts. If you have to get your work done, you have to wait for them to get free and eventually bend a little and be extra buttery to ask them to do your job. When they start doing your work, they would ask you questions in Marathi and that's the most irritating part if you have to register your start up in Maharashtra. Come on, you have to be kidding me, asking me to do something in Marathi! I got the form in English, and Marathi is never simple to comprehend. They use terms in the form and expect us to know the terms. Had we known those terms, we would have not asked for their help.
Get someone to get your work done. Take a Charted Accountant’s or a lawyer’s help. You would forget about who you are when you step into the mess they are into. The lawyer or the Charted Accountant would handle everything for you.

Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9820933429 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
28 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Media Maharashtra Mumbai 4/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 Register the business Other Requirement of a Broker I registered my business in the media sector. Though the response time was pretty decent, I was surprised at the lack of information available anywhere on the internet about the steps you need to take to register a company. One of my main issues with the system is that it is essential to have a broker to speed up the process. I could not have done it myself without going through party. My advice would be you will need a legal expert or some sort of broker who is well versed with the procedure of registering your company or business. Both Punit 8080222210 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes