NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User IP address It was Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience(desc) Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it
50 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Retail Delhi New Delhi 4/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Get water connection
Confusing laws that say different things I have been running this shop in Jungpura for fifteen months now, after I moved to Delhi on the recommendation of my cousin. I had a big shop in Baroda, which I sold and came here, since the profit margins are better.

Buying the place itself was not much of an issue. My cousin had scouted the location beforehand, and found a nice accommodation for me. Back in Baroda, I had a bigger shop, but it was unregistered. So I wanted to get everything done properly this time.

I undertook various permissions, because I had a wide list of requirements for the store. The first day, I was made to run around a little, but found the people responsible for the various departments. The next day, I got my two sons to help me out- they had to miss a couple of days of work, but then, we were looking at the long-term profit here!

I am not aware of the rankings and numbers you mention [about Ease of Doing Business], but I can tell you the ground reality. Is it difficult to start a new store? Absolutely. There are a lot of documents that are required for the procedure, but thankfully Aadhar completes most requirements. The officials were really nice people, and understood my plight as a newcomer trying to establish business in this town. They always told me the precise number of documents to bring, and occasionally gave me a cup of tea.

By my experience, I know that the people themselves aren't bad, but the system itself is crippled. The officials are given a bad name for being very corrupt and inefficient, but I firmly believe that they are good people, who actually want to help you out set up your business. However, they face the same issues as you - they are bound by the same system as everyone else is.
The officials are your friends. I saw a lot of people shout at them, so I recommend you to treat them like humans. Do not go armed with hostility, and I am sure they will get work done faster. Both Jimit Shah 8460748664 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
56 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Medical Gujarat Vadodara 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business Can’t find information I have had 5 years of experience of helping my cousin in his medical shop In Vadodra itself. And I thought of opening my own. But it was not an easy task. I could not find any information about how do I go about it. It was quite difficult and a task to get my business registered. I had to consult a third party despite of having 5 years of experience.
Think twice before you start a new business. Think whether you get profit from it. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 8141295566 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
19 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Hospitality/ Tourism Goa Anjuna 3/5 4/5 2/5 3/5 Register the business
Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Tourism and F&B licenses Can’t find information I have recently started a new business in Goa in the hospitality and tourism sector. I tried to register a new business, register property, get permissions and licenses under environment laws, get my building’s plan approved, get electricity connection and tourism, food and beverages licenses. The paperwork that was required for getting licenses is efficient and streamlined but the procedures and processes involved in getting these licenses are very complicated. The procedures are not clearly defined and one can easily get confused since there is a lot of contradicting information. The government officials are themselves confused and do not have any sort of clarity since the procedures keep on changing frequently. All of this leads to delay at the cost of the citizen’s time, effort and money. My advice to other entrepreneurs is that - you should start all the procedures as soon as possible as the time taken to obtain licenses can vary from a few days to even a few months. I am of the opinion that if you have a certain kind of rapport with certain officials or “know” a few of them it tends be of great help in getting your licenses on time.

Keep it Anonymous
Anonymous NA I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
25 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Social Sector,Non-profit Karnataka Bengaluru 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Trade outside state/ country
They keep asking me to submit some new document every time I helped to register a non-governmental organisation in the social sector in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The number of documents required to do the work was boggling, and very troublesome. It was quite a task to get a VAT certificate for our social enterprise. It took close to a year, as the process was lengthy and the officials kept asking for newer documents at every visit.

An advice to younger entrepreneurs would be that if you are not ready to bribe the officials, you should be ready to go through a lengthy process to get necessary certificates and documents. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9916967853 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
86 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Construction Chemicals Maharashtra Mumbai 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Other Being a non-technical person. I I did not know abc of construction chemicals. But I was 100% confident that it was badly needed in India. I worked with the relevant manufacturer and gained experience in its application and technical aspects. I started trading of these items and developed intimacy with the users. I surveyed their problems and needs, participated in technical seminars, borrowed money and got factory premises on rent. Only then could I start manufacturing, hire technical consultants. I implemented emotional intelligent marketing rather than intelligent marketing and maintained public relations with family members of the buyers. I never compromised on quality and kept on upgrading to international standards. I adhered to uniform pricing all over India and delivery schedules. I treated workers of my factory on par with family members, always gave credit of my success to them and never depreciated their human values. Not knowing anything about construction chemicals made it more difficult for me to start but also made me learn a lot through the journey. It was a tough time starting a business from the scratch. Registering my business was not an easy task. It took longer than expected to get started. Patience is what you need. If you have the capital you could hire someone to get your registration or any other formalities to be completed before you start. Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof. Sky is not the limit, but it is just a beginning. Never think of short term gain. I studied lives of people who failed miserably but reached at the climax of their fame. Patience is what you need before and also after you start your business. Also maintain the integrity and do not forget your struggling period when you started your business. A degree, I term myself, " master of common sense " is constantly followed. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9702230404 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
70 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Sports Delhi Gurgaon 3/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Other Laziness on the part of officers I opened a sports shop in Gurgaon, which unfortunately did not work. However, my experience was mostly a pleasant one.

Unlike most people, I chose not to hire a CA, mostly because I couldn't afford to spend so much money on something that I thought could be done alone.

Unfortunately, I was made to run around a fair bit on my first day. It was quite taxing, and just when I thought there could be some progress, they broke for lunch.

Now, there is some sort of an unwritten rule at these government offices- lunch breaks shall last for about double the time they are supposed to last. The stipulated break was from 1 pm to 2 pm, but I couldn't spot anyone at the office till about 2:45 pm, and the counter only opened at 3 pm. So much for efficiency.

I ultimately got my work completed a week or so later, but not without lots of effort and running around from my side.
Patience is utmost needed, really. Carry copies. Don't bribe. Senior Department Officials Anurav - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
80 Prashant Easy to Do Business Marketing Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad 3/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 Register the business I own a digital marketing agency and run a small cafe in Hyderabad. We offer premium web services, branding, content creation (including promo videos, blogs, etc) and PPC management for e-commerce clients and product companies who want a premium look and feel. This is my primary business.

Starting the business wasn't an issue at all. Andhra Pradesh is very conducive when it comes to start-ups, so I didn't have too much of an issue, though I did hire a CA to look after the process. Overall, didn't really have any problems.
Keep all your documents in order, right from the time you think about starting a business- address proofs, credit records, etc. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
28 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Media Maharashtra Mumbai 4/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 Register the business Other Requirement of a Broker I registered my business in the media sector. Though the response time was pretty decent, I was surprised at the lack of information available anywhere on the internet about the steps you need to take to register a company. One of my main issues with the system is that it is essential to have a broker to speed up the process. I could not have done it myself without going through party. My advice would be you will need a legal expert or some sort of broker who is well versed with the procedure of registering your company or business. Both Punit 8080222210 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
41 Prashant Easy to Do Business Textiles Delhi Hauz Khas 4/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business I registered Safomasi in 2012, when I set it up with my wife, and started it a year later. Signing the business up was the easy part. As a textile business, I also needed a big, clean space. That was really difficult. In fact, this current office is only the second location I took a look at – I did not want to look further and risk losing this one. It suits our needs. Overall, the process seemed complicated though. I wasn’t really involved in the set-up of the business myself. I handed down all the work to my accountant, who did it himself. In terms of the experience, it wasn’t a hassle to me personally, but I found the amount of paperwork required by the government to be too much, taxing and frankly, unnecessary. Moreover, there was no information available about the procedure online, so I didn’t know what the next step was and hence my accountant handled all of that. Hence like everyone even I had to go through a third party despite me having all the paperwork and documents in place. So there is registration fees involved and on the top of it there is this lawyers’ or accountants’ fees involved. If one has all their documents in place, he/ she should be able to independently register the start up and not required to go through a third party. I did not know any of the costs involved as well. They were nowhere to be found – not on the websites, nowhere. When I visited the government office, all kind of unnecessary questions were posed at me rather than asking relevant information pertaining to my business or documents.

One has to learn how to deal with people. I’ve had different experiences with different people. I’d also advise them to conduct their business, keeping their finances in mind, and only take decisions that are financially sound. At the start, there will be a lot of costs involved, and the profits will trickle in slowly – one has to be patient with it. Both Mahinder Singh 9650869053 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
65 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business IT Delhi Gurgaon 4/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 Register the business Can’t find information I set up an IT firm earlier this year. My company was a small one, and we worked out of our house in Gurgaon, so we just had to register the company.

The whole process for the category I was applying under was a digitised process, so I was pleasantly surprised. However, I did have to go to the office to submit my documents - I didn't understand why couldn't that procedure be digitised as well! One could easily scan and submit the required PDF files.

However, my main issue was the lack of availability of information. If someone has to start a business, a simple Google search should be helpful and enough. I couldn't find any information myself, so I had to call up another friend who had set up a similar business couple of years ago.

However, from what he told me, the process has become much simpler, so kudos to the government on cutting the red tape - I just wish they would have advertised it better!
Ask someone who has already registered business in the field, they should be able to help you out, or hire a lawyer who will make the process easier for you. Senior Department Officials Shyam Mohan - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes