NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User(desc) IP address It was Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it
27 Anonymous (not verified) Easy to Do Business IT Rajasthan Jaipur 3/5 3/5 3/5 4/5 Acquire land
Get registration and licenses under labour laws
Trade outside state/ country
I set up an IT firm in Jaipur, Rajasthan. According to me, the only issue I had with the registration process is the lack of information available for someone to start the business. Apart from registration, I also acquired land, and got permissions for labour and trading outside the state. There is a lot of work to be done when it comes to acquiring industrial lands, or getting approvals from different offices. My only advice to entrepreneurs would be - you need to have patience with the system if you want your work to be done. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9982011116 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
59 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Service Industry Gujarat Vadodra 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Corrupt officials who asked for bribes Obtaining an authorized licence from government department means you have to compromise on your values of honesty and seek support of/ obtain help from corrupt government officials who have every rule in their book to extract bribe from you and they will see to it that the strings are in their own hands. You are mere puppets in their hands. The problem is actually the lower level government officials who give reports and file notings to top officials who act on those reports depending on their staff which makes it a must for the businessmen to have a good rapport with these junior staff members. It would be a welcome step if officials find out the reality instead on depending on notes of his dealing clerks. Avoid doing business which involves taking permissions and licenses from government authorities. Senior Department Officials SUNIL JATHAR 8488934129 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
91 Anonymous (not verified) Easy to Do Business Af ja Andaman and Nicobar Islands Lugaggia 5/5 1/5 3/5 5/5 Get permits and licenses under environmental laws Hello


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I just checked out your website, and wanted to find out if you need help for SEO Link Building ?

We offer you the BEST SEO STRATEGY for 2021, my name is Tammi, and I'm a SEO Specialist.

Build unlimited number of Backlinks and increase Traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you.

If You Are Interested, I'm waiting for your response here =>

SEO Specialist
Media Tammi Bronner Q blyrva I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
107 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Czwryvs Zejzty Chandigarh Winschoten 4/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 Get credit Submitting the same document to different departments YOU NEED REAL VISITORS FOR: ?

We Provide 100% Real Visitors To Your Website.
With this traffic, you can boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM...


We Provide 100% Real Visitors To Your Website.
With this traffic, you can boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM...

Both Annabelle Vela Dh Vujos I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
40 Prashant Easy to Do Business Manufacturing Delhi Delhi 3/5 2/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business It was not a very complicated process to register the business. However the rules of Excise Duty and Sales Tax is one hassle I face. I have to redesign the process according to the various needs of our clients. At times this becomes a problem. Sanitation and cleanliness is to be maintained because inspection is something unexpected. One has to be very persistent if you want to start a business. Stick with your project and fight the system. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9310533008 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
72 Prashant Easy to Do Business Food Delhi Gurgaon 2/5 3/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business Getting the permits was not an issue, apart from finding information about it. I did everything myself, and got all the permits within a month, and my food supply company was up and running within six weeks. The real problem arises after you start the business.

The attitude of customers/vendors/clients. People feel no remorse about wasting someone's time, or indulging in petty cheating. Of course things like these are present in the west too, but the magnitude is different. Oh, and this is more present in North India than in South! This reflected even while I was getting my permits- people just wasted everyone else's time, if it meant getting their work done five or ten minutes earlier.
Be mindful of people. Don't give anyone any way in your lines. Senior Department Officials Sumit Pathak 9873056915 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
37 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business IT Karnataka Bengaluru 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Can’t find information Everything is difficult if you are starting from scratch to set up a business.

• Finding office space: Not everyone has big enough a house or circumstances to incubate the organisation at home.
• Something as simple as commuting: It is hazardous to drive, and arduous to take public transport.
• Government policies/banking system: Something as simple a company formation - if you got for private limited model, the Registration Of the Company expenses require a fair amount. Cheaper option is to register company under partnership act (only if you have a friend who is a CA/CS/Lawyer and will help you out). Again, if your company is under partnership firm, banks won't give out unsecured loans/ credit cards to you/ your employees. This is the reason many good and hard working employees can leave the job with your company and go anywhere else where they get better facilities.
• No regard for Intellectual Property Rights or its implementation: Almost illiterate cops or Economic Offences Wing Officials dare not bothered about whether stealing/copying code/project plans/content is a big deal!
• There are multiple overlapping compliance checklists that will take you ages to get a grip on.
• Rampant corruption: To set up a meeting, to get anything registered, to not stand in the line for hours- every little thing requires a bribe to get your work done.

This can go on forever. There is no way that we can ever reach the competence levels of foreign countries. I’ve lost hope in our system!
It's a difficult process. If you have the time, money, and energy, you might just be able to start your own business. Hence you need immense patience till things fall in place. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 88189456876 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
69 Prashant Easy to Do Business Marketing Delhi Gurgaon 3/5 4/5 2/5 3/5 Register the business I decided to start my own marketing firm in Gurgaon, after I was quite dismayed with my previous job. However, I did not know anything about the procedure, so I consulted a CA about it.

He told me a fairly decent amount for the registration, and told me that I needn't worry about anything. It took me a week to get my registration done, and I did not have any issues with it, mainly because my CA completed all my formalities.

I had to only submit my Aadhar card and PAN card, nothing more. Since I didn't go to the office myself, I wouldn't know how many copies of each were required.
Hire a CA, you won't have to worry about anything. Both Sneha Bhattacharya 7042823213 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
85 Prashant Easy to Do Business Transport Himachal Pradesh Shimla 2/5 2/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business
Pay taxes
I have a transport company of my own, and has been successfully running for nearly two years now.

The setting-up took a bit of time, especially since the Himachal Pradesh police is a little prudent about your permits and such documents. But once I got it, it was a smooth sailing.

I would say having someone who has the knowledge of the field is necessary and important- it helps to have someone who has established their business in the field. In my case, I had an uncle in the same transport business, so that helped me out immensely.
Before starting a business, make sure to have a chat with someone who has already established themselves in the industry. They will tell you the potential dangers involved in setting up your business, and aid you if you need anything. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
50 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Retail Delhi New Delhi 4/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Get water connection
Confusing laws that say different things I have been running this shop in Jungpura for fifteen months now, after I moved to Delhi on the recommendation of my cousin. I had a big shop in Baroda, which I sold and came here, since the profit margins are better.

Buying the place itself was not much of an issue. My cousin had scouted the location beforehand, and found a nice accommodation for me. Back in Baroda, I had a bigger shop, but it was unregistered. So I wanted to get everything done properly this time.

I undertook various permissions, because I had a wide list of requirements for the store. The first day, I was made to run around a little, but found the people responsible for the various departments. The next day, I got my two sons to help me out- they had to miss a couple of days of work, but then, we were looking at the long-term profit here!

I am not aware of the rankings and numbers you mention [about Ease of Doing Business], but I can tell you the ground reality. Is it difficult to start a new store? Absolutely. There are a lot of documents that are required for the procedure, but thankfully Aadhar completes most requirements. The officials were really nice people, and understood my plight as a newcomer trying to establish business in this town. They always told me the precise number of documents to bring, and occasionally gave me a cup of tea.

By my experience, I know that the people themselves aren't bad, but the system itself is crippled. The officials are given a bad name for being very corrupt and inefficient, but I firmly believe that they are good people, who actually want to help you out set up your business. However, they face the same issues as you - they are bound by the same system as everyone else is.
The officials are your friends. I saw a lot of people shout at them, so I recommend you to treat them like humans. Do not go armed with hostility, and I am sure they will get work done faster. Both Jimit Shah 8460748664 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes