NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User IP address It was Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to(desc) Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it
43 Prashant Easy to Do Business Entertainment Delhi Hauz Khas 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business It was quite easy for me to set up my business (LIMN Entertainment) which I would categorize under the entertainment sector. It was easy for me because I registered under my company as a sole proprietorship and also consulted my accountant who handled everything for me. I had to submit just three documents and the process went pretty quick. Infact the process to register my company took only a week or probably 10 days. The difficult part was finding a office space in South Delhi. I looked for 25 to 30 places and my current office where we are sitting was the last place I saw. Different people have different needs. I wanted a place with natural light and parking space and this was the only place I liked which had both of them. Registration of this office (property) was a bit difficult and was an elongated process. It needed a lot of unnecessary paper work. I had got the keys of this office before the paperwork and other formalities were completed. Also had it been a Pvt. Ltd or a Public Limited company, the process of registering the company would be very tedious and no procedure is very clear and straightforward. The process online is also not very easy to understand.
One other thing I would like to mention is that the procedure of registering any business or company and the documentation should be online and paperless. It would be much easier that way. But I have heard we are getting better with time unlike how it was in the past. Like taxation is steadily becoming online, I would like the procedure of registering the business or documentation process of registering your start up should be paperless and online.
It is not advice to others but rather it is a necessity to have all your paperwork in place. A lot of learning takes place only while you are ‘in the process’. I wasn’t aware of running a company or for that manner even manage a team before I started this company. But the journey has been very interesting and I have learnt a lot in the process. One advice would be – you need to be patient. Immense patience is needed if you want to be an entrepreneur. It takes time to set up your company and also for your company to grow unless your business is inherited. My mantara has been – “choose happiness over money!” I was in a very decent and good paying job. But my happiness lied in setting up LIMN and I am very happy about how it is steadily gaining momentum and growing.
Both Divij Kaul 011 4660 2773 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
45 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business IT Telangana Hyderabad 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Confusing laws that say different things Bureaucrats are more often insensitive than not, and do not have the mentality of helping citizens. Rather, they have the mentality of making things as difficult as possible - they think their job is to make things more difficult for citizens. A lot of markets are controlled by guilds and associations of existing businessmen. They place a high cost of entry for new entrants, especially someone without connections in the business community.
I experienced extortionate behavior by local working class people, goons, thugs and small time politicians/crooks. Bribes on the preface of "donations" for 100 different religious festivals a year are taken. There is a total lack of rule of the law and lawlessness. It is a utter failure on the part of the police and judiciary since they do not have the capacity to dispose cases in a timely manner. One needs to be careful and look out for extortionate,fraudulent and deceiving behavior by lawyers and some Charted Accountants.
Hire a good and trustworthy lawyer/CA who has experience in dealing with bureaucrats. They are also well-versed with the processes and procedures of the laws related to a start-up. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 77898764578 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
47 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Media Delhi New Delhi 3/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business Submitting the same document to different departments I did not know where do we start.
The whole process took me about fifteen days, just to register a sole proprietorship. Now, I know it may not sound like a lot, but it is a lot when one circles a government office for two weeks, every single day.
Every other day, they would ask me for a different document. Then, they would direct me to another desk, where the same procedure was followed. I was never asked for a bribe, but in retrospect, I wouldn't have minded if I paid a few hundreds here and there, if that meant my work would get done faster.
There isn't even a proper parking space outside the offices. Thank god for Uber! One of the worst things about making rounds of these offices was that you had to wait there until your number or name is called for. I remember staying hungry for the first day. From the next day, my mother sent a tiffin with me! A lot of other people brought some food as well, so it was pretty apparent that they were accustomed to such a system.
Lastly, I wish the system required less paper - not only for convenience, but also as a concern for the environment. It creates unnecessary hassles and wastage. How about starting an app, on which you can scan and directly send your documents? I think it would make everyone's work a lot more easier.
Take loads of copies of all your documents when you go. Carry food. Try not to bribe them, in spite of how alluring it may seem! Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 7767021676 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
49 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Fishing Andhra Pradesh Vishakhapatnam 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Confusing laws that say different things There is a lot of competition in Vizag in the Fishing sector, since the coast is quite favourable for catching fish.

Most of the locals just catch the fish for their own subsistence, while a share of them sell it. I decided to register my own company and sell the fish to Tyson, who would package it responsibly, and sell it across the country.

I actually started my business before registering the company, and by the time I had enough of a hold in the local market, I applied to Tyson to be a supplier. However, they required me to be registered as an established supplier from Vizag, and to facilitate the same, I had to register my business.

When I reached the office, I did not realise I lacked the necessary documents required for registration, so I had to come back two days later. At the office, they thankfully had a token system, and my number was called after three hours.

At the counter, the person seemed quite surprised to see that I had applied for a fishing licence. To my surprise, he suggested me to skip this process and continue with my business! I had to tell him that I needed the licence to supply to an MNC, to which he understood. He aided me in the whole process, but it did take a lot of time - various departments required their own set of documents and clearances.

In about two weeks, my business was registered, and Tyson bought my product a month later.
There will be a lot of running around - even if the process is less rocky. I know of people who had to spend weeks running around the offices. Carry extra copies, the department office doesn't have a copier. And lastly, treat the officials well - they are more likely to get your work done if you treat them like humans! Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
50 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Retail Delhi New Delhi 4/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Get water connection
Confusing laws that say different things I have been running this shop in Jungpura for fifteen months now, after I moved to Delhi on the recommendation of my cousin. I had a big shop in Baroda, which I sold and came here, since the profit margins are better.

Buying the place itself was not much of an issue. My cousin had scouted the location beforehand, and found a nice accommodation for me. Back in Baroda, I had a bigger shop, but it was unregistered. So I wanted to get everything done properly this time.

I undertook various permissions, because I had a wide list of requirements for the store. The first day, I was made to run around a little, but found the people responsible for the various departments. The next day, I got my two sons to help me out- they had to miss a couple of days of work, but then, we were looking at the long-term profit here!

I am not aware of the rankings and numbers you mention [about Ease of Doing Business], but I can tell you the ground reality. Is it difficult to start a new store? Absolutely. There are a lot of documents that are required for the procedure, but thankfully Aadhar completes most requirements. The officials were really nice people, and understood my plight as a newcomer trying to establish business in this town. They always told me the precise number of documents to bring, and occasionally gave me a cup of tea.

By my experience, I know that the people themselves aren't bad, but the system itself is crippled. The officials are given a bad name for being very corrupt and inefficient, but I firmly believe that they are good people, who actually want to help you out set up your business. However, they face the same issues as you - they are bound by the same system as everyone else is.
The officials are your friends. I saw a lot of people shout at them, so I recommend you to treat them like humans. Do not go armed with hostility, and I am sure they will get work done faster. Both Jimit Shah 8460748664 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
51 Anonymous (not verified) Easy to Do Business Robotics/Electronics Maharashtra Mumbai 4/5 3/5 4/5 4/5 Register the business We just made a partnership deed and got a PAN card made. That was pretty simple and easy. Once that is done, we were good to go. We did not find it to be a hassle. The number of documents asked was a bit problematic otherwise it was not a problem and the process went very smooth for the three of us (Three of us - school friends are the co-founders in this start-up). You should catch hold of a good CA or financial adviser who can guide you and help you in the process. Both Ankur Gosar 8147677186 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
52 Prashant Easy to Do Business Education Uttar Pradesh Meerut 3/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 Register the business
Acquire land
Register property
The overall process of getting the registration and acquiring land for setting up a small unit that manufactures stationary was quite simple. I did not have to pay any bribe, though the waiting time was a little more than required.
The office in Meerut was filled with people filing registration requests for the textile industry. Since I filed under a different department, my process was a little more smooth and streamlined.

It took me a week to get my registration completed, and a another week and a half to get the land clearances completed. The location already had electricity and water connection, so we didn't apply for new connections.

The officials, however, behaved as if they were doing us a big favour. They were just doing their job, but still had a bit of an ego about it. I did not appreciate that.
Make sure what sector you're applying in, it makes things much easier. Also, carry all necessary documents. Having a CA helps. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
53 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Hotel Maharashtra Thane 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business Corrupt officials who asked for bribes My experience was not good at all in terms of starting my business. There are officials who will not ask for bribes directly but by the way the whole system runs and procedures are delayed for some or the other reason, you are left with no other option.
The documents to be submitted were so many. It is high time that we go paperless and make it easier not only for the officials but also for us. It will reduce the time period as well.
Government should not cheat people. Go with all the documents and carry extra copies of all the documents you carry. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 8828172217 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
54 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Education Maharashtra Mumbai 2/5 3/5 2/5 2/5 Register the business Confusing laws that say different things There are no clear laws. There are so many laws that say different things. There are conflicting issues. A layman or common man cannot understand the procedure by himself/ herself and will need a lawyer or some expert to deal with the whole process. Planning in advance is a must. Carry all your documents with you. Carry extra copies with you to be on a safer side. And if possible hire a lawyer or a CA or some expert who can help you out and make the process simpler and easier for you. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9821225821 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
55 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Agriculture Maharashtra Sangli 1/5 3/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Acquire land
Transfer property
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Other Middleman, Corrupt Officials, Lack of information Without a middle man no one can purchase land. From agents suggesting you to buy land to getting loans approved - everything requires a middle man. To collect each document on time you have to bribe the officials. It is their duty to issue the documents but you have to be flexible and bribe or else the procedure gets stuck. There is no one in these government offices to give you any sort of guidance. Even the information on court fee, stamps required etc. is not available. Information about all the procedures should be available online and should also be displayed on boards in the government offices. The government officials are rude, sometimes confused themselves and not very approachable. You have to bear the brunt. Government officials should be polite, have the required knowledge about the processes and should be helpful. Carry all the possible documents and hire someone who is well aware of the government procedures. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9222292281 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes