NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User(desc) IP address It was Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it
82 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business IT Delhi New Delhi 3/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Trade outside state/ country
Can’t find information I started an IT firm, but it fizzled out within two months. I shortly left the country, and am currently working in San Francisco. Here are the reasons why it didn't work out, and probably never will:

1) Over-demanding yet non-competent talent pool. Bad work ethics. So many graduates, but none employable. In contrast, in Phillipines, you have technically qualified people with no degrees who have tons of freelance work to show as their experience.

2) One employee stole our circuit designs and disappears. Another faked his qualifications. Another got run over while transporting one of our items, we gave compensation to his family but couldn't find the culprit. Installed cameras in trucks where between each state- the police ended up demanding something from truckers!

3) Accounting is really confusing and messy. Border between legal and illegal is very very thin. One of my over enthusiastic employee bribed the customs official and later asked for compensation from the company - imagine what kind of accounting magics you can employ to cover it up among extremely ambiguous and contradictory laws ? Most accountants are part time money launderers. If you are an honest soul, this country isn't for you- sorry, no other way to put it!

4) We imported materials. Customs took items worth double digit lakhs as hostage for stupid reasons. Not much problems in Phillipines or Indonesia. Don't even want to begin talking about the pain we had to go through to export stuff!

5) Clients (read: Scammers) who don't pay, drying up our cash flow. Our clients were renowned businesses in India.

6) Suppliers who take money upfront and don't deliver (read: scammers 2.0). Also renowned businesses in India.

7) Government tenders - bribes, very short notice, unrealistic conditions, money hold up. They expect us to maintain their servers when they don't even have electricity, and blame us for the results of this power outage despite giving recommendations to buy a backup generator. When will babus know the difference between IT and power companies ?

9) Insurance guys who had weird clauses only found in this country. Never trust them - this includes government insurance companies who expect something for validating claims

10) Regulations, Licenses, Permits, Certificates (read: babudom and bribery). Documentation and paperwork is cumbersome and demotivating.

11) Venture Capitalists don't have much funds (compared to Singapore or Canada), inexperienced and hate anything about hardware or technology based businesses (probably they are aware of how risky it was to start in India) - will only prefer e-commerce intermediaries and IIT mafias. The amounts they are willing to invest was less than what I saved working for 3 months in the West.
Move elsewhere, India isn't the place to do business. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
47 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Media Delhi New Delhi 3/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business Submitting the same document to different departments I did not know where do we start.
The whole process took me about fifteen days, just to register a sole proprietorship. Now, I know it may not sound like a lot, but it is a lot when one circles a government office for two weeks, every single day.
Every other day, they would ask me for a different document. Then, they would direct me to another desk, where the same procedure was followed. I was never asked for a bribe, but in retrospect, I wouldn't have minded if I paid a few hundreds here and there, if that meant my work would get done faster.
There isn't even a proper parking space outside the offices. Thank god for Uber! One of the worst things about making rounds of these offices was that you had to wait there until your number or name is called for. I remember staying hungry for the first day. From the next day, my mother sent a tiffin with me! A lot of other people brought some food as well, so it was pretty apparent that they were accustomed to such a system.
Lastly, I wish the system required less paper - not only for convenience, but also as a concern for the environment. It creates unnecessary hassles and wastage. How about starting an app, on which you can scan and directly send your documents? I think it would make everyone's work a lot more easier.
Take loads of copies of all your documents when you go. Carry food. Try not to bribe them, in spite of how alluring it may seem! Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 7767021676 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
63 Prashant Easy to Do Business Media Delhi Gurgaon 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business For me, the only real problem was to find the appropriate CA to do my work for me.

I never intended to do the running around, so finding a CA was the primary step for me. He tried to explain the procedure to me, but I told him not to bother - I just asked him which documents were required from my side, and how many copies of it would he require.

My whole procedure was finished within a week, and I had no issues because I hired a CA who could be trusted.
Get a good CA, and conducting business won't be a problem. Yes, the CA might be a little costly, but most comforts are. If you want to save on time and want a hassle-free start, that is the only way out. Keep it Anonymous - - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
79 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Education Delhi Noida 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Other Customers People are unwilling to pay. Period. You can deal with all the bureaucracy, but what can you do if people just don't want to pay? Ad based model is not feasible for every product.

Till now, I have mostly focused on the Indian market. I still think there is a huge opportunity. For example, consider admission process in educational institutes, their examination processes etc. Most of them are still manual and quite cumbersome. But like I said, to convince them to pay is quite a challenge.
Costumers won't pay for your product, no matter how novel your idea. Even in a supposedly "free" market like ours, there is a lot of red tape. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
76 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Investment Delhi New Delhi 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Other Investment was troublesome Confusing laws that say different things As an NRI, I invested 5 lakhs in 2005 in an infrastructure fund in 2005. Due to US compliance, it was very cumbersome to keep it functional. I was in India for the last two months and was not able to liquidate it due to one excuse or the other- first it was getting documents from all corners, and then demonetisation.

Excuse 1. Signature does not match.
Excuse 2. Your application does not mention what type of bank account you have. (A cancelled copy of the cheque was attached, and it clearly stated it is a savings account)
Excuse 3. ID not attached. (Copy of PAN number was filed with the application)

So my money is stuck for another year at least.
Don't invest in Indian companies. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
41 Prashant Easy to Do Business Textiles Delhi Hauz Khas 4/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business I registered Safomasi in 2012, when I set it up with my wife, and started it a year later. Signing the business up was the easy part. As a textile business, I also needed a big, clean space. That was really difficult. In fact, this current office is only the second location I took a look at – I did not want to look further and risk losing this one. It suits our needs. Overall, the process seemed complicated though. I wasn’t really involved in the set-up of the business myself. I handed down all the work to my accountant, who did it himself. In terms of the experience, it wasn’t a hassle to me personally, but I found the amount of paperwork required by the government to be too much, taxing and frankly, unnecessary. Moreover, there was no information available about the procedure online, so I didn’t know what the next step was and hence my accountant handled all of that. Hence like everyone even I had to go through a third party despite me having all the paperwork and documents in place. So there is registration fees involved and on the top of it there is this lawyers’ or accountants’ fees involved. If one has all their documents in place, he/ she should be able to independently register the start up and not required to go through a third party. I did not know any of the costs involved as well. They were nowhere to be found – not on the websites, nowhere. When I visited the government office, all kind of unnecessary questions were posed at me rather than asking relevant information pertaining to my business or documents.

One has to learn how to deal with people. I’ve had different experiences with different people. I’d also advise them to conduct their business, keeping their finances in mind, and only take decisions that are financially sound. At the start, there will be a lot of costs involved, and the profits will trickle in slowly – one has to be patient with it. Both Mahinder Singh 9650869053 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
57 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Laundry Maharashtra Mumbai 3/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get registration and licenses under labour laws
Pay taxes
File returns under labour laws, environmental laws, tax laws, etc.
Can’t find information There is no guide book which can direct you to do things. The procedures and processes are complicated. This leads to unnecessary waste of time and a hole in your pocket. The laws are confusing and one has to research a lot beforehand. Kindly do a good research of what all is required and where you can get them, it might help. Hiring a lawyer or an expert is utmost advised. Both Akshay Karkhanis 9930754656 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
73 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Restaurant Uttar Pradesh Lucknow 3/5 3/5 2/5 3/5 Register property Corrupt officials who asked for bribes My whole issue was not while setting up the actual business, but while conducting it here. I run a restaurant, and officials often come and ask for bribes.

What would you do if a food inspector comes to your restaurant and demands a bribe for the inspection? If you don't comply he will file a report which claims he found 10 cockroaches at your facility, and shut you down until an investigation is completed.

You don't have a choice. If you don't pay a bribe, you can't do business in India. Government officers won't even let you register your company or get basic approvals to function!
Corruption is rife and necessary. Be prepared to bribe someone or the other. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
2 Shashi Not Easy to Do Business Banking Delhi N Delhi 3/5 1/5 2/5 2/5 Other Open Bank account Can’t find information I wanted to open a bank account for my proprietorship firm. Banks kept me asking for the PAN card for the firm and Service tax / sales tax registration certificate. However, for a proprietorship firm, PAN card of proprietor works for firm as well. Also, being a new firm, and not foreseeing the turnover crossing 2 lakh for the first year, it wasn't necessary to go for service / sales tax registration. Don't start a proprietorship firm if you are looking at a very small turnover. Both Vikram Saluja 9999999999 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes