NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User IP address It was Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no(asc) Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it
53 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Hotel Maharashtra Thane 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business Corrupt officials who asked for bribes My experience was not good at all in terms of starting my business. There are officials who will not ask for bribes directly but by the way the whole system runs and procedures are delayed for some or the other reason, you are left with no other option.
The documents to be submitted were so many. It is high time that we go paperless and make it easier not only for the officials but also for us. It will reduce the time period as well.
Government should not cheat people. Go with all the documents and carry extra copies of all the documents you carry. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 8828172217 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
62 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Media Delhi Gurgaon 3/5 1/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Trade outside state/ country
Delay by the department even though I completed the procedure I set up my media firm in Gurgaon earlier this year. In short, it wasn't easy to start a business.

I never intended to do everything myself- my dad had suggested that I hire a CA not only to handle my finances, but also finish up this procedure. But I wanted to see the situation for myself, so I decided to accompany him the first day.

To my surprise, even my CA had employed someone to do the work for him. I followed this one guy around, who seemed to have undergone this process a thousand times - he was so unfazed by the sea of people around him. I lost him on a couple of occasions, but in one line or the other, we would be reunited.

I asked him if he wanted me to stand in any line for him, but he refused, and told me he had a "setting" with the office people. After the first couple of lines, he used to just keep the documents on the clerk's desks, and way away, with no regard for the line of people behind him. Some shouted, some gave dirty looks. However, he was always unfazed.

I was surprised at his lack of care for others, and we got done by lunchtime. A week and a half later, I had my permits and registration licences, and my business was ready to go.
Hire a CA! Makes the job, much, much easier. Senior Department Officials Prashant Rastogi 8821899840 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
37 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business IT Karnataka Bengaluru 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Can’t find information Everything is difficult if you are starting from scratch to set up a business.

• Finding office space: Not everyone has big enough a house or circumstances to incubate the organisation at home.
• Something as simple as commuting: It is hazardous to drive, and arduous to take public transport.
• Government policies/banking system: Something as simple a company formation - if you got for private limited model, the Registration Of the Company expenses require a fair amount. Cheaper option is to register company under partnership act (only if you have a friend who is a CA/CS/Lawyer and will help you out). Again, if your company is under partnership firm, banks won't give out unsecured loans/ credit cards to you/ your employees. This is the reason many good and hard working employees can leave the job with your company and go anywhere else where they get better facilities.
• No regard for Intellectual Property Rights or its implementation: Almost illiterate cops or Economic Offences Wing Officials dare not bothered about whether stealing/copying code/project plans/content is a big deal!
• There are multiple overlapping compliance checklists that will take you ages to get a grip on.
• Rampant corruption: To set up a meeting, to get anything registered, to not stand in the line for hours- every little thing requires a bribe to get your work done.

This can go on forever. There is no way that we can ever reach the competence levels of foreign countries. I’ve lost hope in our system!
It's a difficult process. If you have the time, money, and energy, you might just be able to start your own business. Hence you need immense patience till things fall in place. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 88189456876 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
44 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Skill Development Delhi New Delhi 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Trade outside state/ country
Getting due payments cleared from the Government Delay by the department even though I completed the procedure Central government does not pay to the states and the state government does not pay to the service provider. And eventually when this happens state government officials seek undue advantages. Let's gather and raise our voices. It may affect our businesses temporarily buy now that Modi government at the Centre is working selflessly, things can be expected to get better. Both Varun Gaba 8800394950 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
35 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business E-Commerce Maharashtra Mumbai 3/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 Register the business
Trade outside state/ country
Submitting the same document to different departments The biggest problem is the lack of clarity in the process. I went to the company registrar's office and took a form, filled it and submitted it to the officer. He gave me 'n' number of reasons explaining why they cannot accept the form, and I was given a long list of documents needed for my form to be accepted. Now to get each of these documents, I had run around to different departments of the government. No one offered help at the government office, because they expected a bribe to solve my queries.
I collected all my documents from all the offices to submit these documents to the same officer only to know another set of reasons why my form won’t be accepted and another set of documents to be submitted. At this point, I was so frustrated that I asked the officer why he didn’t tell me about these reasons and documents earlier. And he simply smiled and said, I forgot.
There will be lot more things you experience when you visit a government office. The officer was busy with some government work, which he was not supposed to be given in the first place. So this is used as an excuse to not meet you but the real reason is that he somehow wants to extract bribe from you. The more frustrated you are, the more he earns. Government employees could find a million reasons to not deal with you or your issue, and there is nothing you can do about it.
According to the standard government procedure one can complain to his higher officers but the higher officers are equal partners in taking bribe. All have defined what charges will be taken as a bribe when you want something from them.

How do I know about this? I am a son of a government officer (not company's registrar, but another government department) and despite that I tried to register my company honestly. I know both the sides of the coin. My dad tried to fight this as an honest officer when he was young. He has to visit courts till this date because some senior officers framed him in the wrong case. The last case has been running for last 2 years. My dad tried to contact everyone he can above his officers but all told him to shut up and be part of the system or else he will be in jail for sure.

If you ask me for a solution, then it's done already in passport offices. TCS is running that department amazingly. The process is exactly described on their website. No local laws affect that procedure. And your turn is decided once you register online. You will surely be able to finish with the procedure in 1 or 2 hours. You know exactly what is needed before going to that department.
Don't plan on doing business in India. Move abroad! Senior Department Officials
Keep it Anonymous
Sanjay Gedam 8652786590 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
59 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Service Industry Gujarat Vadodra 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Corrupt officials who asked for bribes Obtaining an authorized licence from government department means you have to compromise on your values of honesty and seek support of/ obtain help from corrupt government officials who have every rule in their book to extract bribe from you and they will see to it that the strings are in their own hands. You are mere puppets in their hands. The problem is actually the lower level government officials who give reports and file notings to top officials who act on those reports depending on their staff which makes it a must for the businessmen to have a good rapport with these junior staff members. It would be a welcome step if officials find out the reality instead on depending on notes of his dealing clerks. Avoid doing business which involves taking permissions and licenses from government authorities. Senior Department Officials SUNIL JATHAR 8488934129 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
50 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Retail Delhi New Delhi 4/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Get water connection
Confusing laws that say different things I have been running this shop in Jungpura for fifteen months now, after I moved to Delhi on the recommendation of my cousin. I had a big shop in Baroda, which I sold and came here, since the profit margins are better.

Buying the place itself was not much of an issue. My cousin had scouted the location beforehand, and found a nice accommodation for me. Back in Baroda, I had a bigger shop, but it was unregistered. So I wanted to get everything done properly this time.

I undertook various permissions, because I had a wide list of requirements for the store. The first day, I was made to run around a little, but found the people responsible for the various departments. The next day, I got my two sons to help me out- they had to miss a couple of days of work, but then, we were looking at the long-term profit here!

I am not aware of the rankings and numbers you mention [about Ease of Doing Business], but I can tell you the ground reality. Is it difficult to start a new store? Absolutely. There are a lot of documents that are required for the procedure, but thankfully Aadhar completes most requirements. The officials were really nice people, and understood my plight as a newcomer trying to establish business in this town. They always told me the precise number of documents to bring, and occasionally gave me a cup of tea.

By my experience, I know that the people themselves aren't bad, but the system itself is crippled. The officials are given a bad name for being very corrupt and inefficient, but I firmly believe that they are good people, who actually want to help you out set up your business. However, they face the same issues as you - they are bound by the same system as everyone else is.
The officials are your friends. I saw a lot of people shout at them, so I recommend you to treat them like humans. Do not go armed with hostility, and I am sure they will get work done faster. Both Jimit Shah 8460748664 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
51 Anonymous (not verified) Easy to Do Business Robotics/Electronics Maharashtra Mumbai 4/5 3/5 4/5 4/5 Register the business We just made a partnership deed and got a PAN card made. That was pretty simple and easy. Once that is done, we were good to go. We did not find it to be a hassle. The number of documents asked was a bit problematic otherwise it was not a problem and the process went very smooth for the three of us (Three of us - school friends are the co-founders in this start-up). You should catch hold of a good CA or financial adviser who can guide you and help you in the process. Both Ankur Gosar 8147677186 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
56 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Medical Gujarat Vadodara 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business Can’t find information I have had 5 years of experience of helping my cousin in his medical shop In Vadodra itself. And I thought of opening my own. But it was not an easy task. I could not find any information about how do I go about it. It was quite difficult and a task to get my business registered. I had to consult a third party despite of having 5 years of experience.
Think twice before you start a new business. Think whether you get profit from it. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 8141295566 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
8 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Trading Delhi Delhi 3/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register property Can’t find information I wanted to know if my property comes under commercial area or not? There was no website or any designated place where I could go and find this out. This was a problematic thing I faced while registering my property. NA Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 8130959618 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes