NOT Easy to Do Business

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# User IP address It was Sector / Industry State / UT City Response-time of officials Number of documents to be submitted Availability of information about the process Overall Rating It was an attempt to Other The problem was Other cause Details of experience Advice for others Share my story with Name Contact no Email Privacy Policy Contact me Display it(asc)
51 Anonymous (not verified) Easy to Do Business Robotics/Electronics Maharashtra Mumbai 4/5 3/5 4/5 4/5 Register the business We just made a partnership deed and got a PAN card made. That was pretty simple and easy. Once that is done, we were good to go. We did not find it to be a hassle. The number of documents asked was a bit problematic otherwise it was not a problem and the process went very smooth for the three of us (Three of us - school friends are the co-founders in this start-up). You should catch hold of a good CA or financial adviser who can guide you and help you in the process. Both Ankur Gosar 8147677186 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
52 Prashant Easy to Do Business Education Uttar Pradesh Meerut 3/5 3/5 1/5 3/5 Register the business
Acquire land
Register property
The overall process of getting the registration and acquiring land for setting up a small unit that manufactures stationary was quite simple. I did not have to pay any bribe, though the waiting time was a little more than required.
The office in Meerut was filled with people filing registration requests for the textile industry. Since I filed under a different department, my process was a little more smooth and streamlined.

It took me a week to get my registration completed, and a another week and a half to get the land clearances completed. The location already had electricity and water connection, so we didn't apply for new connections.

The officials, however, behaved as if they were doing us a big favour. They were just doing their job, but still had a bit of an ego about it. I did not appreciate that.
Make sure what sector you're applying in, it makes things much easier. Also, carry all necessary documents. Having a CA helps. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous - I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
53 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Hotel Maharashtra Thane 2/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business Corrupt officials who asked for bribes My experience was not good at all in terms of starting my business. There are officials who will not ask for bribes directly but by the way the whole system runs and procedures are delayed for some or the other reason, you are left with no other option.
The documents to be submitted were so many. It is high time that we go paperless and make it easier not only for the officials but also for us. It will reduce the time period as well.
Government should not cheat people. Go with all the documents and carry extra copies of all the documents you carry. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 8828172217 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
54 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Education Maharashtra Mumbai 2/5 3/5 2/5 2/5 Register the business Confusing laws that say different things There are no clear laws. There are so many laws that say different things. There are conflicting issues. A layman or common man cannot understand the procedure by himself/ herself and will need a lawyer or some expert to deal with the whole process. Planning in advance is a must. Carry all your documents with you. Carry extra copies with you to be on a safer side. And if possible hire a lawyer or a CA or some expert who can help you out and make the process simpler and easier for you. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9821225821 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes
55 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Agriculture Maharashtra Sangli 1/5 3/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Acquire land
Transfer property
Get building plan approved
Get electricity connection
Other Middleman, Corrupt Officials, Lack of information Without a middle man no one can purchase land. From agents suggesting you to buy land to getting loans approved - everything requires a middle man. To collect each document on time you have to bribe the officials. It is their duty to issue the documents but you have to be flexible and bribe or else the procedure gets stuck. There is no one in these government offices to give you any sort of guidance. Even the information on court fee, stamps required etc. is not available. Information about all the procedures should be available online and should also be displayed on boards in the government offices. The government officials are rude, sometimes confused themselves and not very approachable. You have to bear the brunt. Government officials should be polite, have the required knowledge about the processes and should be helpful. Carry all the possible documents and hire someone who is well aware of the government procedures. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9222292281 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
56 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Medical Gujarat Vadodara 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Register the business Can’t find information I have had 5 years of experience of helping my cousin in his medical shop In Vadodra itself. And I thought of opening my own. But it was not an easy task. I could not find any information about how do I go about it. It was quite difficult and a task to get my business registered. I had to consult a third party despite of having 5 years of experience.
Think twice before you start a new business. Think whether you get profit from it. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 8141295566 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
57 Prashant Not Easy to Do Business Laundry Maharashtra Mumbai 3/5 2/5 1/5 2/5 Register the business
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get registration and licenses under labour laws
Pay taxes
File returns under labour laws, environmental laws, tax laws, etc.
Can’t find information There is no guide book which can direct you to do things. The procedures and processes are complicated. This leads to unnecessary waste of time and a hole in your pocket. The laws are confusing and one has to research a lot beforehand. Kindly do a good research of what all is required and where you can get them, it might help. Hiring a lawyer or an expert is utmost advised. Both Akshay Karkhanis 9930754656 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
58 Anonymous (not verified) Easy to Do Business Disaster Management Delhi New Delhi 5/5 3/5 3/5 4/5 Register the business
Register property
Get permits and licenses under environmental laws
Get registration and licenses under labour laws
File returns under labour laws, environmental laws, tax laws, etc.
Working with the government was not half as difficult as I expected, at least that was my experience. There is some kind of prejudice against the government system. The hype about inefficient government is a myth. If your documents are in place, getting the work done at any government department is very easy. Time might be an issue. The process would take some time and patience is required when you are starting your own business. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9999558121 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
59 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Service Industry Gujarat Vadodra 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 Register the business Corrupt officials who asked for bribes Obtaining an authorized licence from government department means you have to compromise on your values of honesty and seek support of/ obtain help from corrupt government officials who have every rule in their book to extract bribe from you and they will see to it that the strings are in their own hands. You are mere puppets in their hands. The problem is actually the lower level government officials who give reports and file notings to top officials who act on those reports depending on their staff which makes it a must for the businessmen to have a good rapport with these junior staff members. It would be a welcome step if officials find out the reality instead on depending on notes of his dealing clerks. Avoid doing business which involves taking permissions and licenses from government authorities. Senior Department Officials SUNIL JATHAR 8488934129 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Keep me updated about responses to my report and experience. Yes
60 Anonymous (not verified) Not Easy to Do Business Service Maharashtra Mumbai 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 Get registration and licenses under labour laws Confusing laws that say different things I am an auto driver, I own the autorickshaw and I also have the permit. I am doing this business since almost three decades. It was not so easy to start as you have to understand the laws of RTO. To get the permit for the autorickshaw is a difficult task. You have to run around and make sure you show your face to the concerned officer everyday. But I would say that despite it is difficult you've to try your best to have your own start-up. Get all the information first and then start your business. A bit of research is required before you start your business. Keep it Anonymous Anonymous 9892792055 I have read and I agree with the Privacy Policy mentioned below Yes